About Us
The department traces its origin to October 1959, when under the initiative of Professor V.K.R.V. Rao, the then Vice-Chancellor of the University and an eminent Economist, a Department of Human Geography was established as a constituent of the Delhi School of Economics. Professor George Kuriyan, a renowned Geographer of India at that time, was the first Professor and founder of the department.......More...
Latest Notice:
* Team Gender Presents INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S DAY FILM SCREENING Venue: Lecture Hall-I, Department of Geography, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi [Click Here]
* Lecture on "Slow Viloence Environmental Decay and struggle for Social Justice in Merebanks South Durban, South Africa: Continuties between the Apartheid and Post-apartheid Eras" [Click Here]
Public Lecture under the DSE Diamond Jubilee Lecture Series "Urban Genderscapes: Real and Imagined Geographies" [Click Here]
Notice: Mid-Semester Examination M.A Sem II & Sem IV [Click Here]
* List of Candidates selected for PhD provisional admission session 2024-2025 [Click Here]
* Workshop: "Unlocking Data Potential: A Future-Focused Session on AI-Powered Quantitative & Qualitative Analysis" [Click Here]
* Time Table 2024-25 - MA Geography (Sem 2 & 4) [Click Here]
* Delhi School of Economics Diamond Jubilee Conference,Honouring Legacy and InspiringTomorrow, August 16 - August 17
* Notice: Orientation & Coursework Classes PhD Programme 2023-2024 [Click Here]
* Time Table: Current Semester [Hindi] & [English] As per schedule classes will commence from Thursday, 1st August 2024
* The Key dates of even-semesters (Semesters II and IV), of the Academic Session 2024-25 [Click Here]
* Post Graduate Spot Round 1 admission Academic Session 2024-25 [Click Here]
* The Panel of candidates for Adhoc/Guest Faculty for the year 2024-25 [Click Here]
* Application for Adhoc/Guest Panel of the Department of Geography for the year 2024-25 [Click Here]
* PhD Admision Phase II: Selected Candidates for Provisional Admission for the Year 2023-2024 [Click Here]
* List of Candidates invited to appear for Interview and Written Examination under Ph.D. Phase - II Admissions [Click here]
* Department Level PhD Written Test Phase II: Notification and Interview Schedule (2023-24) [Click Here]
* Notice for MA (Sem IV) Course 401: Project Report [Click here]
* Mid-Semester Examination Notice for M.A. Semester I & III 2023 [Click here]
* Notice: PhD Course Work Examinations October 2023[Revised Datesheet]
* PhD Course Work Examination: October 2023 [Datesheet]
* PhD Admision Phase I: Selected Candidates for Provisional Admission for the Year 2023-2024 [Click Here]
* Urgent Notice:Class suspension for M.A Sem I and III and Orientaion for M.A Sem I [NOTICE]
* Advisory: Candidates of written examination may note that there may be traffic restrictions in Delhi on 2.9.2023. They are advised to plan their travel accordingly and reach the exam hall well before the commencement of the written examination.
* Advertisement for the post of Research Associate & Research Assistant (PI: Dr. Netrananda Sahu): [Click Here]
Major Research Project (MRP) under Delhi School of Climate Change & Sustainability, IoE, University of Delhi Project Director: Prof. B. W. Pandey [Advertisement for the post of Project Attendant 20.02.2023]
Mid Semester Examination for Semester II-2023 [Click Here]
- Seat available for PhD admission 2023-2024. Download Seat Matrix [Click Here]
Ad-hoc Panel application notification (2023-2024). To download application form[Click Here]
Proposed Datesheet - MA Geography - Semester IV - May and June 2023 [Click Here]
MA Sem IV GEOG4E01 Dissertation Format and Submission Date [Click Here]
Ad-hoc Panel (2022-23) for teaching Geography in DU Colleges [Final List: 04.08.2022]
Department's Comprehensive Direct Teaching and Learning Arrangement (DTLA) from December 2022 to August 2023 [ CLICK HERE ]
Major Research Project (MRP) under Delhi School of Climate Change & Sustainability, IoE, University of Delhi Applications for Research Assistant position (Project Director: Prof. B. W. Pandey) [Click Here] [Corrigendum]
Proposed Semester I End-term Examination (Batch 2022-24) Date sheet [Click Here]
Important Notice:
- Extension of Registration and Provision of Correction Window in CSAS (PG)-2023 [Click Here]
- Proposed End Semester examination Datesheet - MA Geography - Semester II - August 2023 [Datesheet]
- MA (Geography) Semester I & III and Ph.D Part I Session 2023-2024 Time Table [Notice]
Latest MPhil / PhD Viva-voce & Pre-submission Seminars...[Notice]
Departmental Disciplinary Committees (2022-2023)...[Link]
Student Grievance Redressal Cell....[Link] [ Read More.... ]
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