Dr. Pankaj Kumar

                Dr. Pankaj Kumar                                E-mail:pankajdsedu@gmail.com               [DU Faculty Profile

MA (DU), MPhil (DU), PhD (DU)

Glaciology, Hydrology, Remote Sensing & GIS

Dr. Pankaj Kumar, Ph.D is an Associate Professor having around 08 years of teaching and research experience in the field of GIS and Remote Sensing tools for spatio-temporal study of Mountain Ecosystem focusing on climate change, cryosphere changes, mountain hazards and watershed assessment and modeling. He is also contributing in the field of Urban and Regional geography. He is supervising research student working in the field of spatial sciences and computer-based modeling, especially the Soil and Water Assessment Tool or SWAT model. He has published 06 peer reviewed journal articles and 04 chapters in Springer series books. Presently, he is Secretary, Commission of Biogeography and Biodiversity, International Geographical Union (IGU) and Treasurer, The Association for Geographical Studies, University of Delhi.