Prof. Anjan Sen
MA(JNU), M Planning (SPA-Delhi) PhD (IIT-Delhi)
New Economic Geography, Development Theory and Regional Policy
Prof. Anjan Sen is an economic geographer and a regional planner, who joined the department in 2005. He has a PhD degree from Indian Institute of Technology at New Delhi (IIT-D). He also has two master's degrees - Geography from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), and Regional Planning from School of Planning and Architecture (SPA), both at New Delhi. His teaching and research specializations are in the realm of 'new' economic geographies, and development theories and regional policies. He is currently investigating contemporary and inter-disciplinary themes like informal economies, place marketing and city branding, creative and cultural economies, and place making and place-led-development. This is visible in the papers taught (MA), research guidance (MPhil and PhD), projects undertaken, publications, and paper presentations in a series of notable international conferences - IGU (Moscow, 2015), ECSAS (Warsaw, 2016), IGC (Beijing, 2016), NGM (Stockholm, 2017), RGS-IBG (Cardiff, 2018), and AAG (Washington DC, 2019).