Dr. Netrananda Sahu
MA (DU), MPhil (DU), PhD (Kyoto), Postdoc (Kyoto)
Climate Variability, Climate Change, Disaster Management, Downscaling and Modelling
Dr Netrananda Sahu, (Assistant Professor, Since 2014) holds Ph.D and Postdoctoral Degree from Kyoto University, Japan. He had his Masters and M.Phill degree from the University of Delhi. He has obtained six months Internship from International Research Institute for Climate and Society, (IRI), Columbia University, New York. Dr Sahu also has been selected for another prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowship for 2017-18 by the Ben-Gurion University, Israel (didn't avail). He has research collaborations with U.S.A., Canada,Japan, China, Brazil and Indonesia. He has introduced two new courses for the Masters program for CBCS Module. He has specialized on Climate Variability/climate change/Seasonal Forecast/Extreme Events and Disaster Risk Reduction. Dr Sahu has 18 articles published in the International Scopus indexed Journals along with a few book chapters and other publications.